GET #AFREZZA GET CONTROL GET YOUR HEALTH AND LIFE BACK!The pioneer users of #Afrezza hve been harping this for 3 years. ITS THE REAL THING
— AFREZZA GUY (@Afrezzaguy) September 19, 2020
Tom Danford had his diabetic retinopathy regress due to normalized sugars on #Afrezza .
— am off (@amoffvk) September 18, 2020
Since I started #Afrezza on May 2015, my cholesterol is down by ~20%, with no other major changes in my life. Food for thought…
Freedom!— Gustavo Basualdo (@guasaman) October 23, 2020
@castagna2011 Many thanks for the update.You'r a sanity saver.My kidney labs went 3rd stage failure to great going from Metformin to Afrezza
— Eugene W Guinn (@kostlos) July 29, 2021
Retina doc appts used to scare me to death. No more! Doc smiles,says eyes looking great/stable. All thx to #afrezza. Future looks bright ?
— IM_TypeOne (@IM_TypeOne) July 21, 2021
@amoffvk my A1C was 5.7 30 days ago. My Cholesterol is much lower, my pressure is 120/80. Down from 135/95 Vit D was low. Cold weather??
— Hillard Saveth (@HillardSaveth) March 13, 2021
Had my yearly eye exam today and thanks to #Afrezza my eyes are perfectly healthy.Another major positive for #Afrezza.#Diabetes CONTROL!!
— AFREZZA GUY (@Afrezzaguy) February 9, 2021
Okay heart Doc has taken me off high blood pressure meds due outstanding numbers. Thank you #Afrezza for one less pill I have to take
— AFREZZA GUY (@Afrezzaguy) October 20, 2020
Annual Physical today Doc never heard of Afrezza but blown away by my Labs said I am healthier as a T1 then most of his patients.
— AFREZZA GUY (@Afrezzaguy) October 16, 2020
He said my labs should be framed and hung on the wall. He is going to do major research on Afrezza and get ahold of a rep. Said don't change
— AFREZZA GUY (@Afrezzaguy) October 16, 2020
still using afrezza and im a asthmatic. afrezza is controlling my neropathy now also
— charles r lacy (@_chuck956) August 25, 2021
Though my internist never heard of Afrezza, he was amazed at blood test results (A1C, fasting, lipids, liver, etc.) & said congratulations!
— Brian Lynch (@nccapitalist) August 19, 2021
Lowering glucose brought all lab tests into specification. Never able 2 lower triglycerides (#104) until Afrezza. Dr. said they R superior.
— Brian Lynch (@nccapitalist) August 10, 2021
sanofi needs to address diabetic neropathy and how afrezza can stop neropathy.
— charles r lacy (@_chuck956) June 19, 2021
diabetic neropathy can be avoided now with AFEZZA, eleviates sugar spikes
— charles r lacy (@_chuck956) June 19, 2021
Prevent diabetic foot neuropathy. Avoid glucose spikes with #Afrezza
— Dr. Eric Weinstein (@Browardfootcare) June 11, 2021
Please see article Diabetes: Complications regarding complications related to diabetes.