Eating, drinking and bowling with my boys at Lucky Strike in NYC. Afrezza keeping both of us in check.
— Hillard Saveth (@HillardSaveth) June 4, 2021
Gentle hills and valleys with #Afrezza and no carb counting!#SaturdayMotivation #T1 #T2 #Diabetes #Insulin
— Lilli Day (@bookbabie) June 2, 2021
Diabetic community the future is NOW
1.Damn good BS
2.No carb counting
3.No pump
4. 1 shot a day
5. ✅BS 12hrs#afrezza the possibilities— Eric AFREZZA Fenar (@Peakabull) September 27, 2020
I just got my A1C number today. I'm shocked. I thought it couldn't get any better than 5.4. Afrezza got me to 5.2??and I eat a lot. ??????
— Hillard Saveth (@HillardSaveth) August 29, 2021
RockNrolling w #afrezza! 5.6avg since june 2015. Pump free, eating what/when I want, no #t1d restrictions Freedom!
— Gustavo Basualdo (@guasaman) August 18, 2021
Blood glucose 100 right now and will go no higher than 126 after this. Power up your life. #Afrezza
— Brendan Hyland (@brendanphyland) August 1, 2021
Gym, errands, Red Robin, nap, smoothies, gardening, pasta, s'mores! No carb-counting, pump-free Freedom! #afrezza
— Gustavo Basualdo (@guasaman) July 30, 2021
@SenatorShaheen @castagna2011 #Diabetes #T1D #T2D #Afrezza #FastInFastOut #NoNeedles #LowerA1c #BetterQoL #Innovation #InhaledInsulin
— Harryx1 (@TheHarryx1) July 27, 2021
fwiw no insulin is perfect and Afrezza is no exception. But my life was way easier when I was on it, my levels a hell of a lot better.
— Matt Bendall (@mattybendall) July 4, 2021
What can I say?Can't make this up so so much easier +the stress of being diabetic almost disappears.I Go 2bed always feeling I will wake up
— AFREZZA GUY (@Afrezzaguy) May 1, 2021
Most energy in 20 yrs! Physical, emotional & psychological D roller coaster lessened. Enjoying the #afrezza ride #improvedview #possible
— cynthia rogers-celt (@CynthiaCelt) April 1, 2021
On #Afrezza 2years:
A1c to mid5s
Off high blood pressure meds
Endo visits cut frm4 to 2
0 lung issues
Hypos cut to almost nothing— AFREZZA GUY (@Afrezzaguy) February 16, 2021
#Afrezza has made my diabetic husband's life so much needles, flexibility on what he eats, great glucose readings.#MannKindCares
— Jan Edmunds (@janedmunds) February 11, 2021
Inhalable insulin, #Afrezza, makes #diabetes management better for Larissa. Read her story: #doc
— ASweetLife (@A_Sweet_Life) January 26, 2021
#afrezza saved me from my hyperglycemia this morning and saved me from feeling like dookie
— Bo Jackson (@bodiddley66) November 3, 2020
5.7 seems to b my new steady A1c using #Afrezza + #Tresiba which is just about non diabetic.Esp w/the very little effort it takes to achieve
— AFREZZA GUY (@Afrezzaguy) November 2, 2020
Literally I do nothing no math and just carb estimate for a 5.7. Unbelievable. And no nasty lows to boot.
— AFREZZA GUY (@Afrezzaguy) November 2, 2020
Got my a1c today. 5.7. And an avg of 5.6 since on #afrezza (may 2015) Pump free, eating what/when I want and no #t1d restrictions Freedom!
— Gustavo Basualdo (@guasaman) October 31, 2020
Type 1 diabetes takes up too much space in our lives. Raise awareness with JDRF this November. #T1DLooksLikeMe
— Duck Fiabetes NorCal (@duckfiabetescal) November 1, 2020
Today starts National Diabetes Awareness Month #NDAM. Show people the impact of #T1D in your life: #T1DLooksLikeMe
— Aaron Kowalski (@aaronjkowalski) November 1, 2020
1 of the best things about Afrezza is that you can "play around" w it much more comfortably than w injected insulin
— (@diabeteshf) October 11, 2020
Being on #Afrezza raises your expectations.I look at my levels today and the 35 mins I am at 130ish is disappointing.#Afrezza just go LIVE!
— AFREZZA GUY (@Afrezzaguy) September 27, 2020
W/ afrezza I can now enjoy vacations w/ ZERO #t1d stress. Z-E-R-O There is a better way Freedom! #afrezza
— Gustavo Basualdo (@guasaman) July 28, 2021
Spiro at 70 enjoying the good life with #Afrezza. Anywhere, anytime, anyplace. Go for it diabetics.
— Afrezza Spiro (@SpiroHere) July 24, 2021
Use #Afrezza, anywhere, anyplace and anytime. It's too bad most #Diabetics are clueless how great #Afrezza works.
— Afrezza Spiro (@SpiroHere) July 24, 2021
14mo w/ #afrezza.Loving my pump free/no carb count/eat what/when I want / #T1D as-an-afterthought life. Freedom!
— Gustavo Basualdo (@guasaman) July 12, 2021
Commenter: Trials aren't designed optimally to show actual real effect of #Afrezza on people, A1Cs & beyond. #2016ADA
— DiabetesMine (@DiabetesMine) June 12, 2021
had good control before, at a high cost. W #Afrezza I got my life back from #T1D & w 1/10 of the effort.
— Gustavo Basualdo (@guasaman) May 26, 2021
An open thank-you letter to Mannkind and the people behind Afrezza - Thank you Mannkind team. Thank you…
— texasreader (@livenlearn2015) May 12, 2021
@MattPfef #Afrezza +#Tresiba non diabetic control EFFORTLESS! Can't put a number on the stress that is just gone now
— AFREZZA GUY (@Afrezzaguy) May 9, 2021
@MattPfef so much less stress,sleep better,no injection site sores,heal faster,severe hypo yeah can't remember last one due to Afrezza.
— AFREZZA GUY (@Afrezzaguy) April 3, 2021
Watch Matt talking about improvement of quality of life after being on Afrezza (discussion of quality of life improvement starts at around 2 minutes into the video).
Below is what Matt says about Afrezza contributing to his quality of life in his latest post: Afrezza & Tresiba Update.
“All of the impracticalities of dosing insulin before a meal are gone. When I’ve eaten enough and I feel full, I now don’t have to force myself to finish the meal. If I want to share food I’m eating with someone else, I can offer it to them without having to explain that I have already had the insulin for everything that’s on my plate.
Cooking is a pleasure now I don’t need to weigh ingredients, or weigh dishes while serving. I no longer have to copy numbers from nutrition panels and look up web sites in order to perform a series of complex mathematical equations before every meal.
I am no longer constantly worrying about encountering another company like HelloFresh again, who provide diabetics with potentially lethal falsified carbohydrate data.
Previously, visiting friends for dinner required them listing all the ingredients and quantities for the meal before it was served. I avoided going to restaurants wherever possible to avoid the impossible task of dosing for unknown meals of unknown sizes being served at an unknown time. It’s an amazing feeling being relaxed for the first time in these settings (visiting friends for dinner and going to restaurants).”
Below is a comment of an Afrezza user posted in
“It’s effortless. I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again— I had the skills, tools, motivation, and education to maintain an a1c in the low 5s without afrezza— with afrezza I do it without any of those things! It commands about 5% of my life to have perfect control of diabetes instead of 90%. I feel sorry for anyone who hasn’t tried it— there is a better way, people.”
10 months, ~3600 inhaled cartridges, lungs ok, normal BGs, pump-free, eating what/when I want
Freedom! #afrezza— Gustavo Basualdo (@guasaman) March 4, 2021
Having this BG control, while eating what I want when I want, no carb counting & pump free, is spectacular! #afrezza
— Gustavo Basualdo (@guasaman) February 25, 2021
#Afrezza more intangible afrezza benefits: after many years it's great to roll over in bed put your arm around her
— Stephen Parsons (@dtroue1003) February 5, 2021
When I wake up everyday and plan the day in my head, #diabetes is not part of the equation anymore. So-freaking-awesome. #afrezza
— Gustavo Basualdo (@guasaman) December 9, 2020
Never had a Thanksgiving like this. #Afrezza is just unbelievable. No spikes.
— AFREZZA GUY (@Afrezzaguy) November 27, 2020
Similar results here today on #afrezza! This was impossible for me last year.
— Afrezzauser (@afrezzauser) November 27, 2020
Eat what U want when U want. No more shots or pumps. switch to #Afrezza the fastest insulin In existence. #type1 ???
— Adam Lasher (@AdamLasher) November 27, 2020
Thankful for #Afrezza ultra rapid breathable #insulin and @dexcom this thanksgiving! Pig out don't wig out #type1
— Adam Lasher (@AdamLasher) November 27, 2020
Just surprised everyone with a 108 from 149 after desert. Love my Afrezza. Ended up with 2 pcs of the Apple Pie.
— Hillard Saveth (@HillardSaveth) November 27, 2020
This is Thanksgiving on #Afrezza.
— Laura Kronen (@beyouonlybetter) November 27, 2020
Post-lunch #Afrezza flatline. After 56 years on insulin. Still learning but worth it! #T1D #NightscoutProj WOW!
— essential2diabetes (@e2diabetes) November 25, 2020
Watching Rangers vs Fl just thinking how great Afrezza is and thankful I can still eat Rum Raisin Ice Cream w/sprinkles and not worry BG up
— Hillard Saveth (@HillardSaveth) November 22, 2020
OMG! On a flight trip right now! Set temp basal! Restrict carbs! IOB mess! Pray that you nail it! T1D Stress! Nope. Just enjoy life.#afrezza
— Gustavo Basualdo (@guasaman) November 16, 2020
feels wonderful to have beaten my t1d for good.With no food or life restrictions.AMAZING #afrezza #diabetes
— Gustavo Basualdo (@guasaman) November 12, 2020
That is an A1c of 5.45 average on vacation! #Afrezza is a pancreas in my pocket.It is nice to really enjoy eating and drinking again.
— AFREZZA GUY (@Afrezzaguy) October 14, 2020
On #afrezza I am able to enjoy vacationing without worries of lows hours after taking my insulin.Enjoying my new life
— Afrezzauser (@afrezzauser) September 26, 2020
@Cigna Hit 6 month mark on #Afrezza Overall #s 109 Avg. BS=A1c 5.4! 92% in range.ZERO SIDE EFFECTS WHATSOEVER except feeling like new person
— AFREZZA GUY (@Afrezzaguy) September 29, 2020
@afrezzauser So the deal is 11 days to perfection,Non-diabetic numbers all day today, Smooth profile, basal doing it's job too.Feel amazing
— Brendan Hyland (@brendanphyland) September 11, 2020
I use 2 hve whole days I lost to Diabetes now If I have loses I measure them in minutes not days. Not to mention my standards are way higher
— AFREZZA GUY (@Afrezzaguy) September 10, 2020
Afrezza is amazing. My dad started a month ago. Best BG readings ever in 20 years. He feels better and has lost 12lbs.
— Debbie (@Sweedee79) September 6, 2021
I have not felt this good in almost 20 years. Thank you #Afrezza My levels are still stabilising as it's only 3 days but boy do I feel good
— Brendan Hyland (@brendanphyland) September 4, 2021
Why isn't every person with #diabetes asking their doctor about #Afrezza ? My life has transformed since taking it. It's truly amazing.
— Laura Kronen (@beyouonlybetter) July 27, 2021
Checking my blood sugar is getting boring now. It's always perfect on #Afrezza. I feel like I just won a 22 year long race with #diabetes
— Laura Kronen (@beyouonlybetter) July 20, 2021
I really want to shout this from the rooftops!#Afrezza is life changing for people with #diabetes. My blood sugar is in perfect control.
— Laura Kronen (@beyouonlybetter) July 14, 2021