New inhaled drug to replace traditional insulin
Hindustan Times (Lucknow) 14 November 2020
New inhaled drug to replace traditional insulin
Technosphere inhaled insulin delivery appears safe
Published on on 16 September 2020
Technosphere inhaled insulin delivery appears safe
(Summary: pooled data indicate that diabetes treatment with insulin powder via the breath-powered Technosphere (Mannkind) inhalation device is safe. But long-term information is lacking.
As Dr. Anastassios G. Pittas told Reuters Health by email, “This newest type of inhaled insulin is an improved version of the prior type in terms of convenience to the patient and ease of use.”
However, he added, “Given lack of long-term information on safety, inhaled insulin should be reserved for patients who need insulin treatment but who are unable or unwilling to use injectable insulin.”
In a September 2 online paper in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, Dr. Pittas, of Tufts Medical Center, Boston, and colleagues noted that they came to this conclusion after examining outcomes in trials comparing mealtime Technosphere inhaled insulin with placebo, subcutaneous insulin, or oral antidiabetic drugs.)
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MannKind’s inhaled insulin drug proves hard for diabetics to get
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