Dear readers: we notice that there are many patients seeking to find Afrezza-prescribing physicians. To help them find such physicians, we are putting together a comprehensive list of such physicians. If you have any information regarding this that you would like to share with us, please kindly send us a message via the contact page of this site. Many thanks for your help!
Sam (Afrezzauser) also maintains a list of Afrezza prescribing physicians at his website at: Afrezza - Physicians.
Below is a state-by-state directory of Afrezza prescribing physicians:
Alabama | Hawaii | Massachusetts | New Mexico | South Dakota |
Alaska | Idaho | Michigan | New York | Tennessee |
Arizona | Illinois | Minnesota | North Carolina | Texas |
Arkansas | Indiana | Mississippi | North Dakota | Utah |
California | Iowa | Missouri | Ohio | Vermont |
Colorado | Kansas | Montana | Oklahoma | Virginia |
Connecticut | Kentucky | Nebraska | Oregon | Washington |
Delaware | Louisiana | Neveda | Pennsylvania | West Virginia |
Florida | Maine | New Hampshire | Rhode Island | Wisconsin |
Georgia | Maryland | New Jersey | South Carolina | Wyoming |
Washington DC |