Get Support from other Afrezza Users
If you are just starting to use Afrezza, you can post questions (such as titration or any other related issues) to the Afrezza User Facebook Group. People there are very helpful and responsive. is a new forum run by a group of Afrezza-friendly people. Quite a few active Afrezza users post on that forum. Twitter is another platform where active Afrezza users post their results and share their experience quite frequently.
Afrezza: Timing is Everything
I have previously mentioned the importance of dosage timing when taking Afrezza, but have not gone into much detail. So I thought it would be worthwhile talking about what I have learned so far about timing.
As a general rule, I dose about 10 minutes after I start eating, which is before my glucose levels start to rise from the meal. As I mention in the video, the best time to dose seems to depend on the fat content of the meal. And for some high fat meals, a follow up dose of Afrezza is neccesary.
I have found the same rule also applies if a follow-up dose is required. It is important to have the follow-up dose before the levels begin to rise out of range. If I had a CGM with alerts, I would use this to notify me as soon as it levels began to increase. That way I wouldn’t miss the optimum time for the follow-up.
It is worth remembering that much, much more Afrezza is needed to correct high glucose levels than to cover meals. As the video details, if I wait too long to dose, the dose required may be four times higher!
– Matt
Editor’s Note on timing of Afrezza doses:
Matt’s observation and comment in his video and article regarding the timing and dosage of follow-up doses also support Al Mann’s statements below. [In his video, Matt gave an example where he was having a five-course Japanese banquet, he took a green dose (8-Unit) Afrezza every forty-five minutes or so and his BG level remained perfect throughout the dinner. And the same approach worked for him at a dinner party, where he even drank sugary cocktails].
Al made his following comment in this interview: An Exclusive Interview with Al Mann, Founder and CEO, Mannkind Corp.
“SF: Was that when you changed to the new device?
AM: No, I think that a problem during the trials was that some patients took their dose of Afrezza even before starting to eat. The trial protocols called for Afrezza to be dosed “at the beginning of the meal,” but sometimes it was taken even before. We need to do additional trials to gain more experience with optimized dosing times.
Actual ingestion of food in most meals in the United States except in restaurants takes only about 30 minutes, so I believe that the first Afrezza dose really ought to be taken ten or fifteen minutes after starting to eat.
For a longer meal, which is not very common, a second dose might be taken fifty or sixty minutes after starting to eat.
For a long feast that lasts for an hour and a half or more, I suggest a third dose be taken at maybe one and a half hours after start.
Interestingly I believe the size of all those doses should probably be the same for most patients.
Unfortunately the trial protocols called for dosing at the beginning of the meal so we will need to do more trials to be able to gain FDA label approval of optimized dosing.“
Here is an Afrezza user’s comment regarding this after a few days’ experiments:
“I read Matt’s piece on “Timing is Everything” and decided to give it a try. The basic idea is instead of taking Afrezza at the beginning of the meal you’ll get better results by waiting 10 minutes into your meal. OK I’ll bite….how can I go wrong on a trial.
For my test I picked a Taco Bell Taco Salad. Taco Salad has 74 carbs with the shell. Gusty move you say. Pre meal my BG was 89….took my basic 8 units….one hour later my BG was 92. Amazing.
Morning FBG is 88. No more testing on the dosing times. It is now standard procedure that I dose 10 minutes after my meal begins.
This mornings FBG was 89. OK I’m convinced on the dosing 10 minutes after starting a meal. It appears to be the ticket.”
Here is another Afrezza user’s comment regarding timing of Afrezza dosing:
“Today’s results— 84 before lunch, ate a salad, vegetables, and a Hawaiian chicken sandwich on a ciabatta bun (only ate half the bun because last time I ate a whole one I shot up pretty high).
8u at 30 minutes this time (delayed longer than usual because a lot of fat in the salad toppings and dressing).
84 at start, 92 at 1 hour. 107 at two hours.”
Here is another comment from the same Afrezza user regarding timing :
“I have a very nice wrist watch… It has a dive timer on it, which just means the circular ring surrounding the bezel can twist to different numbers from 0-60. When I bolus, with novolog, I set it to zero when I bolus- then I eat when it gets to 20. When I bolus With afrezza, I eat at zero and pretty much do the opposite. The watch timer has been part of my program all along…. I literally don’t feel comfortable eating, at all, without this watch on because it has just become a fundamental part of the process to me… I’m a little quirky about it but it works for me.”
Dosing Aggressively
Here is a comment from Jeremy H. Pettus, MD, regarding dosage:
Based on clinical experience, 4 units of Afrezza is roughly equivalent to 2.5 units of SC insulin. [slide 77 of the presentation].
Here is a comment from an Afrezza user regarding dosage:
From my experience (and that of some of my colleagues), they have about half the potency of injected insulin, so they can be treated as 2, 4 and 6 units.
Here is a comment from an Afrezza user regarding dosage:
I just ordered more Afrezza and am pretty much ready to ditch the 4’s altogether. They do very little for me. On the other hand I love the new 12’s! Perfect for corrections or large carb meals. I noticed it’s just not the same taking two separate cartridges than one of the same equal dose. It’s weird but taking one 8 then an immediate 4 does not do the same as one 12.
Since they now have the 60 count each of 4,8,12 I just got that since one NDC costs less.
One thing for me I noticed is if I take it before my blood sugar starts rising I can take much less. If I wait, it takes much more to counteract so 12 works better. I spike very easily though with food so I need more than most people I think. Afrezza is a godsend for me. You just have to experiment with how it works for YOU. I would have quit long ago if I only did 4’s like most do. But having a 300 bs, which is rare now thankfully, and being able to inhale a 12 and have it come down in 20-30 min is unbelievable. UNBELIEVABLE
Seems like the 12u #Afrezza carts are key for my son
Sometimes doesn't even need a follow up
Almost perfect day
Afrezza is FREEDOM!— Steven Rodriguez (@Stepvenator) July 26, 2021
CGM Helps in Dialing In and Gettiong Optimal Control
I have found the same rule also applies if a follow-up dose is required. It is important to have the follow-up dose before the levels begin to rise out of range. If I had a CGM with alerts, I would use this to notify me as soon as it levels began to increase. That way I wouldn’t miss the optimum time for the follow-up.
– Matt
Now with a 24+ hour basal #tresiba we see why #afrezza users rave about this combo. #dexcom cgm / Afrezza / #tresiba is like a cure!!!
— Afrezzauser (@afrezzauser) December 9, 2020
cgm is key as in combo w afrezza I can do real time sugarsurf. No carbcounting Freedom!
— Gustavo Basualdo (@guasaman) August 19, 2021
Taken this morning.
Ditch the Insulin pump.
Afrezza+CGM+tresiba= the "cure" before the cure
That's a 102 avg
— Eric AFREZZA Fenar (@Peakabull) July 31, 2021
Afrezza Units & Insulin:Carb Ratios
Check out my new video, which explains the big difference between how #Afrezza works, compared to other insulins #T1D
— Matt Bendall (@mattybendall) September 1, 2021
Matt Bendall's video explains the differences of Afrezza vs other bolus insulin.
1st phase stops glucose from rising, 2nd phase lowers it.— Brian Lynch (@nccapitalist) September 1, 2021
This video explains why insulin:carb ratios don’t work with Afrezza, no matter how hard you try.
Afrezza works so differently to previous insulins, and yet there is nothing on the box explaining how or why. It works so differently that for a while I wondered if I had a bad batch.
This video explains why the labelling on the box is unhelpful and confusing. The units just can’t be compared, and it takes a while to work out that Afrezza has two independent effects.
The first phase begins immediately but it doesn’t lower blood glucose, instead it temporarily stops it rising. This effect seems to be responsible for all the weird and wonderful properties of Afrezza, the first phase does not happen with previous insulins.
The second phase, however, works like a small dose of injectable insulin. It lowers blood glucose, and takes longer to start working. This is the only phase of Humalog or Apidra. [Note that Dr. Steven V. Edelman pointed out in this video that dose for dose, 4-units of Afrezza is probably more like 2.5 units of RAA.]
Previous treatments work by flooding the body with an unnaturally high level of insulin for hours, in order to slowly lower high blood glucose levels. Afrezza stops blood glucose rising in the first place using the natural first phase signal instead. This means that much lower, natural levels of insulin can now occur for the first time in T1 diabetics.
– Matt
— Nancy Amar (@nih101) October 12, 2020
3 things to keep in mind when taking Afrezza (from Sam19, someone who knows)
— (@diabeteshf) August 9, 2021
Use Follow-Up Dose(s)
For non-cgm #afrezza users: Check sugar 90min after meal. That is where I usually take a follow-up dose if sugar is elevated above 140.
— Afrezzauser (@afrezzauser) August 7, 2021
For #afrezza users:Key to have non-diabetic a1c results are follow up doses&correction doses when needed.W/ cgm is easiest to check trends
— Afrezzauser (@afrezzauser) August 7, 2021
@GFitz66 Enjoy the ride-it is truly mind blowing.Remember the follow up dose if needed and welcome to Afrezza. Any ?s just ask.
— AFREZZA GUY (@Afrezzaguy) June 6, 2021
@elvarney that line was just dinner a little bumpier during the day. Afrezza is all about timing and follow up dose
— AFREZZA GUY (@Afrezzaguy) May 24, 2021
@TheCorinneMarie took me about 1-2 weeks to "dial" afrezza in. Heavy carbs(pasta) spike my sugars later, follow up dose and BS is perfect
— Eric AFREZZA Fenar (@Peakabull) May 2, 2021
@bertramberla ran test 2 see how Afrezza handles pizza&it did fine.For higher carb meals or slowly digested I do follow up dose when needed
— Afrezzauser (@afrezzauser) March 7, 2021
Split the Dose (Dose Before & After Mean)
Another great day. There have been plenty just not enough time to@post every day 😃 my mother has been taking 2/3 of her #afrezza dose before meal and 1/3 after meal. Been working even better for her that way. I think maybe because some carbs are slower to breakdown into sugar?
— John Monteleone (@_Idlewillkill27) February 3, 2021
Adjusting Basal Dosage or Timing (or if necessary, Switching Basal )
Posting video shortly of the importance of adjusting basal insulin when using #Afrezza. It has an enormous impact.
— Matt Bendall (@mattybendall) August 5, 2021
#afrezza #tresiba #dexcom just switched tresiba from 7am-8pm, night numbers more stable. Will update.
— Stephen Parsons (@dtroue1003) November 2, 2020
I also changed to Tresiba in June, one shot day and an amazing basal. Tresiba and afrezza were made for each other
— Laureen (@Reen910) August 10, 2021
yes w/pump. With tresiba+afrezza a lot more predictable. Took some practice.
— Gustavo Basualdo (@guasaman) August 6, 2021
my advice is just dabble.make sure basal is working well and where you want it.Control problems are usually due to basal issues
— AFREZZA GUY (@Afrezzaguy) June 5, 2021
I hve found w/ #Tresiba I don't need follow up doses nearly as often. #Afrezza + #Tresiba are just made to compliment each other perfectly
— AFREZZA GUY (@Afrezzaguy) June 5, 2021
New #Afrezza insulin use hack: finding I can use 4 units for correction without #bgnow low IF I set decreased temp basal to compensate -AT
— Amy Tenderich (@AmyDBMine) April 8, 2021
Allow Time to Dial-In
— Nancy Amar (@nih101) October 12, 2020
It took about 10 days to figure out basal & #afrezza 4 u.I knew you would not be the one to claim it does not work on day 1 @brendanphyland
— Afrezzauser (@afrezzauser) September 10, 2020
Not sure if this helps, but I remembered this chart by Dr. Pettus from the slides in the video:
— Robb Montejano (@robbmontejano) June 7, 2021
Every #afrezza user should figure out their drop rate by running a test from a safe blood sugar level with a 4u cartridge then releat w/ 8u
— Afrezzauser (@afrezzauser) June 7, 2021
Dial In Basal First
@joshb2383 @afrezzauser If I had to start from scratch I would get the basal dialed in first and have a solid foundation for #Afrezza
— AFREZZA GUY (@Afrezzaguy) August 19, 2021
Here is an Afrezza user’s comment:
“Afrezza is not instead of basal. In fact, you have to be really stable with your basal in order to use Afrezza effectively. I have a pump for my basal, so I use Afrezza only for meals. With insulin from my pump or shots, if I eat carbs, they raise my blood sugar much faster than insulin can bring it down. Because Afrezza works immediately, I don’t have to worry about those highs. Tonight, I had pasta with vegetables and cheese, I had ice cream and I took 8 units of Afrezza, and my blood sugar was 145 two hours after dinner. If I’d used my pump for that meal, my blood sugar would have been in the 200s for a long time. In fact, I would not have eaten that meal if I had to use insulin from my pump or shots.”
Exercise Makes Afrezza More Effective
Here is an Afrezza user’s comment:
It works better (faster, stronger) when I take it and then walk or move around. If I sit on the couch it can be sluggish.
Mixing Afrezza and RAA may help in some circumstances
First five weeks: very impressive. Using #Afrezza with my pump. Post breakfast - zero spiking. Corrections: faster,
— Aaron Kowalski (@aaronjkowalski) February 11, 2021
Here is an Afrezza user’s comment:
If I’m eating a long, slow meal or I’m at a barbecue or a party with endless snacks, then I find using a combination of Novolog and Afrezza works better.
Use Afrezza as a supplement to Oral Pills and Basal for Type 2s just for Correction worth consideration
Dr. Steven V. Edelman pointed out in this video that use Afrezza as a supplement to oral pills and/or basal for Type 2s just for corrections is worth consideration.
How to get rid of Dry Cough:
Here is an Afrezza user’s comment on this:
“The suggestion of drinking water sometimes before and sometimes after inhalation has worked wonders for me. My cough is essentially gone after inhaling Afrezza. I use it for all meal and correction boluses now and have zero constrictive cough.”
Here is another Afrezza user’s comment on this:
“[T]he recommendation to drink water before and after inhaling it… has actually been very helpful to me..”
For further discuss on this topic, see this article: Tips on Dry Cough.
Replacing Inhaler and Clear out Residue
Here is an Afrezza user’s question regarding replacement of inhaler: “How often do you replace the “whistle” dispenser? It looks like the recommended is 15 days. What about refrigeration? I ask because sometimes these restrictions are overkill.”
Here is an Afrezza user’s comment regarding this: “that’s a good question… And kind of a poor concept on their part, because a “month supply” box of afrezza is never going to last exactly 30 days…. And there’s only two inhalers, so it’s never going to work out just right.
I’ve used the inhalers way, way past the 15 days… They do get a lot of powder residue inside them over time, which can be cleaned up quite a bit just by tapping the inhaler mouthpiece on a hard surface… After you’ve used it a few days you’ll see that doing so knocks loose some powder that’s stuck inside.
From a practical standpoint id recommend just replacing your inhaler when your box is about half empty… And keep a used one as a spare in case you lose or break one.
There’s no good reason I’ve found to replace them every 15 days, I use them well past that.”
I would suggest to all users to clear out residue even before changing inhaler by tapping it on the counter and blowing into it
#afrezza— Afrezzauser (@afrezzauser) August 22, 2021
Positioning of Inhaler
Also, best #Afrezza inhalation tip yet, from my endo: stick the WHOLE end of device in your mouth, be sure your tongue is UNDER it #diabetes
— Amy Tenderich (@AmyDBMine) August 20, 2021
Placement of CGM and Carrying Afrezza
For the active #afrezza users.I can fit my#dexcom #afrezza inhaler & carts in my Tommy Johns.Nice and secure. Nothing jingling in my pockets
— Afrezzauser (@afrezzauser) February 26, 2021
Moved my #dexcom cgm to my upper quads from my stomach. Best combo for diabetes w #afrezza.Use tac wipe&Tegaderm
— Afrezzauser (@afrezzauser) December 21, 2020
@afrezzauser moved mine from stomach.AWESOME SUGGESTION WORKS AMAZING! THANKS
— AFREZZA GUY (@Afrezzaguy) January 29, 2021
Titration Package Saves on Co-pay and Reduces Prescription Confusion
The new #afrezza packaging will solve copay issues & prescription confusion. Personally moving to 4 scripts a year from 12 w 3 month supply.
— Afrezzauser (@afrezzauser) February 2, 2021
Taking Afrezza when having a Cold
they give false info here. You can still take #afrezza w/ a cold. I just took it w/ pneumonia (!) and it worked perfectly.
— Laura Kronen (@beyouonlybetter) March 2, 2021
colds have never been an issue here either.
— Stephen Parsons (@dtroue1003) March 2, 2021
Additonal Tips
How To Use Afrezza Inhaled Insulin – This Is How I Do Diabetes – Tips & Tricks
Daniele Hargenrader / published on Jan 29, 2021
Afrezza Users talk about “Journey so far” on #Afrezza: Afrezza Users talk about “Journey so far” on #Afrezza
Six Things to Know Before Starting Afrezza: Six Things to Know Before Starting Afrezza