Thank you @novonordisk for your inadequate insulin. Not only was my blood glucose inadequate I had side effects. Thanks 2 my doctor I am now on a much better insulin.#Afrezza have non diabetic glucose levels and a lifetime best HbA1c of 5.8% I will never use ur analogues again!
— Brendan Hyland (@brendanphyland) June 11, 2021
I visited my endocrinologist today for the first time since starting on #Loop and my #A1c is 5.9 with only 2.9% of time spent below 75mg/dl. This is a huge improvement over my previous A1c's which were achieved mainly by being low >10% of the time. #WeAreNotWaiting #LoopKit
— Alexander Getty (@gettyalex) June 11, 2021
@AlliesVoice I saw your video on being allergic to insulin and I am just like that. I wondered if you have tried #Afrezza ? I've been on it for several months now and my A1C is down to 6.7 from 8.9. I don't know how I lived without it (I've had type 1 for26 years).
— Firenza Pini (@FirenzaPini) November 9, 2020
I just got my A1C number today. I'm shocked. I thought it couldn't get any better than 5.4. Afrezza got me to 5.2??and I eat a lot. ??????
— Hillard Saveth (@HillardSaveth) August 29, 2021
Ok it's been two months on #afrezza and my mothers A1C has dropped from 11s to 7.5!!! Just found out today. Thanks #Mannkind TWO MONTHS!
— John Monteleone (@_Idlewillkill27) July 17, 2021
Yes! #Afrezza works! Started approx 3/15 - 6.4 on 12/14 is not a good indicator of quality of life. Suffered many hypos prior to Afrezza.
— Duck Fiabetes NorCal (@duckfiabetescal) June 7, 2021
With the support of my personal advocate, Anthony @duckfiabetescal , I started using #Afrezza and Tresiba. Six months later A1c of 5.5.
— Tim Williams (@TimWilliamsCPA) May 31, 2021
Pre afrezza my a1c was 6.7, started #afrezza 3/15, since then a1c 6.5,6.4,6.3
— Laureen (@Reen910) June 3, 2021
Latest HgA1c=6.3,whoowhoo see official result pic and graph from 2 years, 2 months on #Afrezza,& had a cortisone shot and injured shoulder ?
— Laureen (@Reen910) May 22, 2021
Just got my A1C results back and I'm at an all time low of 5.4 on 4/27/17. How cool is that after being on Afrezza for 26 months ❤️❤️❤️❤️
— Hillard Saveth (@HillardSaveth) May 16, 2021
Still running a 5.3 A1c for 90 days What is most incredible is my 91% time in range folks! (130 to 65) That is almost 22 hours of each day.
— AFREZZA GUY (@Afrezzaguy) April 17, 2021
Avg. A1C ~5.6 since started #afrezza in 5/2015
Pump-free,eating what/when I want,no carb count. 1/10 of effort than w/inj
Freedom!— Gustavo Basualdo (@guasaman) April 15, 2021
Wish I had the chance to speak and share my results on #Afrezza & #Tresiba at #ENDO2017
— Duck Fiabetes NorCal (@duckfiabetescal) April 3, 2021
@MedscapeCME Type 1 for 34 years. Best A1c on #Afrezza and #Tresiba with 0 Hypos…Yes 0. Word needs to get out to all #T1 #T2 #Diabetics
— Duck Fiabetes NorCal (@duckfiabetescal) April 3, 2021
Son's first A1c on #Afrezza today (and we're still just figuring it out)
Last A1c at VDex: 7.0
Today's: 6.2
& he knows he can do even better— Steven Rodriguez (@Stepvenator) April 5, 2021
@castagna2011 today is my TWOyear anniversary on #Afrezza.Zero side effects+a 5.3 A1c w/awesome control.Truly a life changing drug.Cheers
— AFREZZA GUY (@Afrezzaguy) April 2, 2021
Had Endo Appt today. A1c of 5.3!! AS A T1 I HAVE NON DIABETIC #s. Thx to #Afrezza #Tresiba and #Dexcom.Only 1.1% low under 65. Living Normal
— AFREZZA GUY (@Afrezzaguy) January 19, 2021
My best a1c value by far! All thanks to #Afrezza! Thanks @MannKindCorp for making this amazing #insulin #t1d #diabetes
— califexas (@califexas) December 15, 2020
Got my a1c today. 5.7. And an avg of 5.6 since on #afrezza (may 2015) Pump free, eating what/when I want and no #t1d restrictions Freedom!
— Gustavo Basualdo (@guasaman) October 31, 2020
ANOTHER 5.7 A1c thx #Afrezza w/little effort.Since using #Tresiba w/ #Afrezza ZERO severe lows over last few NORMAL
— AFREZZA GUY (@Afrezzaguy) November 1, 2020
Extra Extra read all about it. Just got back my A1C today. New all time low of 5.5. I've been using Afrezza for 19 months today. .01 to go?
— Hillard Saveth (@HillardSaveth) October 12, 2020
3rd A1c result since starting Afrezza via @dtroue1003
— (@diabeteshf) September 25, 2020
Latest A1C results. Thank you #Afrezza $MNKD #Mannkind You have given me the most freedom from #Diabetes that I have ever felt in 33 years
— Duck Fiabetes NorCal (@duckfiabetescal) September 20, 2020
#afrezza Happy day! Third A1C on afrezza and first ever reading in the 6's =6.9 no CGM just a better insulin period.
— Stephen Parsons (@dtroue1003) June 9, 2021
Just got back from the Dr office. Good meeting. A1C still 5.7 and Dr is helping me with a letter of medical necessity for insurance.
— Hillard Saveth (@HillardSaveth) June 7, 2021
A1C was 8.2 on 3/10, switched to #Afrezza and #Tresiba 3/23, new A1C on 6/2 is 6.2. #InhaledInsulin works! @MannKindCorp @novonordiskus
— Kevin Michelizzi (@kmichelizzi) June 2, 2021
Gary's 1st A1C on #Afrezza came in: From 8.2 down to 7, and enjoying life like never before since he got #T1D
— Gustavo Basualdo (@guasaman) June 1, 2021
Running a 5.4 A1c for last 90 days. Blood draw in three weeks. Thank you #Afrezza #Tresiba there is no substitute or anything close as good
— AFREZZA GUY (@Afrezzaguy) May 31, 2021
Still have CGM compare. Bottom is 1mo w/#Afrezza+#Tresiba while learning. A1C 8 to 7 in 1 mo.
— Kevin Michelizzi (@kmichelizzi) May 26, 2021
A #t2d I helped get on #afrezza that had a 13+ #a1c just registered a 7.0 could not get him in control for 10 years
— Afrezzauser (@afrezzauser) May 22, 2021
@MannKindCorp normal A1C's thanks to #Afrezza 32 years T1D and I've never been this good.
— Duck Fiabetes NorCal (@duckfiabetescal) March 15, 2021
#T1D $MNKD #Afrezza gives you normal bs readings. Take that A1c!!!
— Duck Fiabetes NorCal (@duckfiabetescal) March 15, 2021
#Afrezza A1C on old school insulin+pump=7.8, first A1C with 2 months Afrezza 7.4, first full 3 months on afrezza 7.0
— Stephen Parsons (@dtroue1003) March 16, 2021
@MannKindCorp as a T2 patient using Afrezza for 1 yr I can honestly say it's incredible. My A1C is now 5.7 and I eat what I want.
— Hillard Saveth (@HillardSaveth) March 14, 2021
Took A1c test Friday
Another lifetime best!
6.1 a1c any diabetic can do this with #afrezza
— Eric AFREZZA Fenar (@Peakabull) March 13, 2021
Having this BG control, while eating what I want when I want, no carb counting & pump free, is spectacular! #afrezza
— Gustavo Basualdo (@guasaman) February 25, 2021
@MattPfef please continue to make this life changing drug available. #duckfiabetescal
— Duck Fiabetes NorCal (@duckfiabetescal) January 31, 2021
@MattPfef life prior to #Afrezza. I started inhaling April 2015. Notice a change? 32 years T1D. #duckfiabetescal
— Duck Fiabetes NorCal (@duckfiabetescal) January 31, 2021
Just got my latest A1C… Personal best! Now at a non-diabetic level of 5.2. Thanks @MannKindCorp! #Afrezza rocks!
— Trevor Schug (@Wasson101) January 29, 2021
@afrezzauser Been on #Afrezza for about 6 months. Came off my pump to go on it (pumped for 17 yrs). Most recent A1c came back today: 5.6%.
— Bryn Swartz, Esq. (@KBEsquire) January 21, 2021
My wife lowered her A1C from 7.5 to 6.3 and now to 6.0 after taking Afrezza for 4 mnths. There is no doubt that it works. #Afrezza #MNKD
— Ron Deckard (@RonDeckard) January 13, 2021
My first HbA1c result since starting #Afrezza & #Freestylelibre. #t1d #a1c
— Matt Bendall (@mattybendall) December 15, 2020
5.6. That my latest A1C without even trying. #afrezza #diabetes
— Gustavo Basualdo (@guasaman) December 9, 2020
4.8 A1C for a #t1d? It is possible w/ #afrezza A life changing experience for a diabetic. See attached a1c progress
— Afrezzauser (@afrezzauser) November 19, 2020
Doctors response on the #afrezza users 4.8 A1C. I marked out the doctors names for the time being. See attached!
— Afrezzauser (@afrezzauser) November 19, 2020
See videos of Afrezza users discussing their improved A1Cs.
Below is a comment of an Afrezza user posted in on 18 November 2015:
“It’s effortless. I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again— I had the skills, tools, motivation, and education to maintain an a1c in the low 5s without afrezza— with afrezza I do it without any of those things! It commands about 5% of my life to have perfect control of diabetes instead of 90%. I feel sorry for anyone who hasn’t tried it— there is a better way, people.”
Here is a comment from an Afrezza user in on 9 November 2015:
“T1 since 1984 ………..
Hba1C: most recent 6.4, 3 months prior 7.7, 3 months prior 9.4
9.4 was prior to being on Afrezza
7.7 was the day before I got the Dexcom
6.4 was 3 months after the Dexcom
Presently my Dexcom says my 3 month average is at a
5.9, lowest I’ve ever had it. Proof is in the puding as they say!”
just received my first A1C after switching to afrezza and toujeo, 5.7
— charles r lacy (@_chuck956) September 20, 2020
@CliffStatdrugs my last a1c was 6.6 so this drop is significant. my pcp couldnt believe it. hes the only one who prescribe it to me
— charles r lacy (@_chuck956) September 20, 2020
@afrezzauser @BSharp6669 @MattPfef @Cigna Official A1c has dropped to a 5.7 from a 7.4! YEAH so excited and healthy.Thank you #Afrezza
— AFREZZA GUY (@Afrezzaguy) September 1, 2021
I wanted to introduce everyone to Trevor.A #t1d on #afrezza that has just achieved an a1c of 5.5 Congrats @Wasson101
— Afrezzauser (@afrezzauser) September 1, 2021
had my A1C test today using afrezza. 5.9 was the result
— charles r lacy (@_chuck956) August 30, 2021
To the #Afrezza haters, This is a winning drug, no matter how hard U try to stop it just so you can make a quick buck
— Brian Sharp (@BSharp6669) August 24, 2021
I received this priv.mess."Daughters a1c went from 9.3 to 7.9 after 20 days on #afrezza.Trying a dex cgm for a week. Really likes it so far"
— Afrezzauser (@afrezzauser) August 9, 2021
Mary (in pink) gave these #'s 2 me @ work today. She's not on social media but wanted 2 share with others her success
— Eric AFREZZA Fenar (@Peakabull) August 4, 2021
@mattybendall I started using #afrezza in Feb a1c b4 =10.1 a1c w/ Afrezza last was 5.7 next a1c might make 5.3. Fingers crossed!
— Brian Sharp (@BSharp6669) July 17, 2021
Yeah baby!!! Best A1C in my 20+years of #T1D.From 6.5 to 5.4. And with little effort.Take that #diabetes! #afrezza
— Gustavo Basualdo (@guasaman) July 14, 2021
You can trust us!! #afrezza #sanofiUS Here to get info out and help as many as possible feel the way we all doNORMAL
— AFREZZA GUY (@Afrezzaguy) June 6, 2021
New video:A1c results are in!
After (Afrezza)#inalmannitrust
— Eric AFREZZA Fenar (@Peakabull) May 20, 2021
Just rec'd blood results. THANKS AFREZZA- A1C dropped from 7.6 to 6.5 & fasting from 145 to 109. Only been 2 1/2 mths & better diet coming!
— Brian Lynch (@nccapitalist) August 5, 2021
@johnhindepost Heres the copy off my patient portal
— Brian Sharp (@BSharp6669) May 14, 2021
My A1C levels so far. Next update May 7th on live interview w TuDiabetes.Went on #Afrezza end of Jan. My target 5.5!
— Afrezzauser (@afrezzauser) April 10, 2021