Dear readers: if you have any information regarding this that you would like to share, please kindly send me a message via the contact page of this site. Many thanks for your help!
My endocrinologist writes Afrezza scripts for over 30 patients. He is an Afrezza believer. Why would he be the exception and not the rule?
— Brian Lynch (@nccapitalist) September 12, 2020
Irl B. Hirsch MD., 4245 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA 98105, 206-598-4882 @RobSacher corrected number
— Afrezzauser (@afrezzauser) August 27, 2021
@RobSacher @afrezzauser try dr eskandari, she prescribed me exubera in Cleveland yrs ago then moved to Seattle, great doc
— Laureen (@Reen910) August 27, 2021
dr. sizar is prescribing afrezza. the phone numer is 626-968-8445 , he is located in city of industry CA , southern california
— charles r lacy (@_chuck956) August 25, 2021
Agreed! Add Dr. Tricia Westhoff-Pankratz in Ventura CA (SoCal) to the list! #afrezza $MNKD
— Susan Anderson (@andersonpfef) August 25, 2021
How #Afrezza Can Benefit Diabetics
— Afrezzauser (@afrezzauser) August 22, 2021
Patients that need to find a doctor for #afrezza can try to find one by calling Sanofi at 800-981-2491
— Afrezzauser (@afrezzauser) August 17, 2021
Dr. Brittany Bohinc Henderson is an #afrezza subscriber (for those looking for a doctor in Winston-Salem, NC area) #t2d #t1d #diabetes
— Afrezzauser (@afrezzauser) August 12, 2021
Dr Alan Marcus is an #afrezza subscriber in Orange County California (for those looking for a doctor in that area) #t2d #t1d #diabetes
— Afrezzauser (@afrezzauser) August 6, 2021
SoCal people looking for an #Afrezza endo: Dr. Tricia Westhoff-Pankratz in Ventura now has 3 #afrezza patients & is excited to have more!
— Susan Anderson (@andersonpfef) August 6, 2021
@npoonian @robbmo my doctor is in Beverly Hills. Dr roger lerner. For San Diego or La try Juan P Frias
— Adam Lasher (@AdamLasher) July 13, 2021
My endo., Dr. Denis L. Becker 2014 Natl. Physician of Year., Raleigh, NC. Permission to quote that he's PRO-AFREZZA
— Brian Lynch (@nccapitalist) July 7, 2021
KC, my Endo is spreading the word. He shared my #'s & is an AFREZZA BELIEVER! I'm sure he played a role in this ad.
— Brian Lynch (@nccapitalist) July 3, 2021
I want to thank the Atlanta Diabetes Associates to helping an out of state diabetic JG to get his blood sugars under control using #afrezza
— Afrezzauser (@afrezzauser) August 25, 2021
Grateful today for Dr. Bruce Bode and his staff at Atlanta Diabetes Center. They are everyday heroes.
— Afrezzauser (@afrezzauser) November 14, 2020