While on vacation I had a major craving for ice cream so decided to really test Afrezza with two giant scopes in a waffle cone no less
— AFREZZA GUY (@Afrezzaguy) November 13, 2020
Took 2 8Us of #Afrezza just before the ice cream my BS never went over 98 and leveled at 90. TRY THAT ON LIQUID INSULIN.WOULDNT HAPPEN!!!
— AFREZZA GUY (@Afrezzaguy) November 13, 2020
was like I never ate it +guaranteed my sugars were more under control as a T1 then any of the others eating ice cream who are not diabetic
— AFREZZA GUY (@Afrezzaguy) November 13, 2020
Afrezza and I nailed that ice cream challenge.
— AFREZZA GUY (@Afrezzaguy) November 13, 2020
Is this the most extreme #Afrezza test ever? It would have been impossible before Afrezza. #T1d https://t.co/32bvkmCxKz
— Matt Bendall (@mattybendall) August 13, 2021
@Afrezzaguy Diabetes is not hard at all as long as Afrezza is in my pocket and ready to go. My son is making me a bowl of Ice Cream now?????
— Hillard Saveth (@HillardSaveth) July 2, 2021
Last night at 9 BG was 105 after dinner&8u Afrezza @10:00 ice cream with sprinkles(favorite) Took 4u first time Afrezza before bed. 5:33am88
— Hillard Saveth (@HillardSaveth) April 11, 2021
Here is an Afrezza user’s comment:
“Afrezza is not instead of basal. In fact, you have to be really stable with your basal in order to use Afrezza effectively. I have a pump for my basal, so I use Afrezza only for meals. With insulin from my pump or shots, if I eat carbs, they raise my blood sugar much faster than insulin can bring it down. Because Afrezza works immediately, I don’t have to worry about those highs. Tonight, I had pasta with vegetables and cheese, I had ice cream and I took 8 units of Afrezza, and my blood sugar was 145 two hours after dinner. If I’d used my pump for that meal, my blood sugar would have been in the 200s for a long time. In fact, I would not have eaten that meal if I had to use insulin from my pump or shots.”