@AayazahmedAyaz @afrezzauser There is an ignorance regarding new therapies. The ability of #Afrezza to normalise blood glucose is staggering
— Brendan Hyland (@brendanphyland) September 11, 2020
The only problem with #afrezza is that no one knows about it. Such a shame that a truly life changing drug is getting pushed under the rug.
— Laura Kronen (@beyouonlybetter) September 11, 2020
just showed afrezza to workers at atria living facility and they knew nothing about it. they do now
— charles r lacy (@_chuck956) August 31, 2021
I won my personal bet. My internist never heard of Afrezza. I explained it to him & showed him the Dreamboat & cartridges. Sanofi is sad.
— Brian Lynch (@nccapitalist) August 19, 2021
my doctor who lives in the CITY OF INDUSTRY. CA has never heeard of afrezza or has a SANOFI REP ever visit his office
— charles r lacy (@_chuck956) August 18, 2021