User comment from
Just discovered that despite being a mess from last semester's insanity, my A1c dropped from a 7.2 to a 6.6! #afrezzanation #type1diabetes
— Hayes (@hayesfejer) January 6, 2021
So disheartened to see that @sanofi dropped #Afrezza. This drug has made managing my daily life 10x easier and I can't go back. #t1diabetes
— Hayes (@hayesfejer) January 6, 2021
@elvarney Thanks! I'm afraid #afrezza isn't getting the positive publicity it deserves. Waiting 4 all insulin-dependents to join this train.
— Hayes (@hayesfejer) January 6, 2021
@amoffvk Impressed! I offered to do an inservice for the docs, but now that the future of Afrezza is on hold, it will have to wait.
— essential2diabetes (@e2diabetes) January 6, 2021
@AfrezzaArmy @novonordiskus @mattybendall if levemir and #Afrezza = this…. All aboard #Tresiba! #flatlines
— cynthia rogers-celt (@CynthiaCelt) January 6, 2021
#Afrezza it would be cruel to take away an alternative to subq insulin away from people with significant lipo and site related problems.
— Uday Shah (@uflshah) January 6, 2021
@Afrezzaguy what ticks me of is two powerhouse drug cos cldnt figure out how market inhaled insulin to docs & patients,value prop! #Afrezza
— Laureen (@Reen910) January 6, 2021
@Afrezzaguy @amoffvk I'm close to a year on it now, with a "normal" person's Hga1c and much more control less worry. #Afrezza l
— Laureen (@Reen910) January 6, 2021
There are many doubters with inhaled insulin bcause it's different. I will (& have)shared my pre and post #Afrezza Hga1c,data doesn't lie.
— Laureen (@Reen910) January 6, 2021
@Reen910 I started #Afrezza last year and had the same experience. This free publicity will make '16 a better year.
— Gregory Moulthrop (@gmoulthrop) January 6, 2021
All that's needed is good marketing and #afrezza will get the accolades it deserves. I stand by this life changing drug for diabetics & me!
— Laura Kronen (@beyouonlybetter) January 5, 2021
I have to agree with you on this. I and others are enjoying life on #afrezza and hopefully till we have a cure!
— Afrezzauser (@afrezzauser) January 5, 2021
Still Everyday I have perfect BG control using #Afrezza I have no highs and no lows. It's so easy I cant believe it A1C below 6 is EASY! T1D
— Brian Sharp (@BSharp6669) January 6, 2021
#Tresiba basal out today in the US! #Afrezza users can now see how unstable #Toujeo / #Lantus was all along. #Tresiba + #Afrezza is amazing.
— Matt Bendall (@mattybendall) January 6, 2021