To my #Afrezza and #T1D friends, happy new year! May this year bring you the best blood sugars, A1Cs, and overall the best health you’ve had yet. All so you can continue to live the fullest life you can. Love, Meg (and Abby)
— Meggers (@meggersmckinley) January 1, 2021
Cyclist uses inhalable insulin to help with diabetes via @ABC10
— LeAnne Rooks (@RooksLeAnne) November 29, 2020
My buddy @TimWilliamsCPA was featured on local ABC news talking about life on #Afrezza. This was his first ride on Afrezza pump free.
— Duck Fiabetes NorCal (@duckfiabetescal) November 29, 2020
A diary of a long hike enjoyed with no #t1d restrictions. Its so much easier w #Afrezza!
— Gustavo Basualdo (@guasaman) August 25, 2021
That's #diabadass! #Afrezza #Tresiba #Dexcom No stacking! No basal adjustment and 61 miles of riding. Boom??
— Duck Fiabetes NorCal (@duckfiabetescal) July 16, 2021
A loss and a tie, and we are out. Was fun, and had perfect BS all weekend. That's never happened before. Thanks #Afrezza. #soccerwithtype1
— Meggers (@meggersmckinley) April 9, 2021
Yes. Tremendously better…more energy, less stress. I can eat after when I get hungry rather than waiting for BS to come back down.
— Meggers (@meggersmckinley) April 9, 2021
Ah, #Afrezza on the job… With quicker action thx to inhaling just before snow shoveling! #RealLifeAfrezza #AfrezzaInMichigan
— Mike Hoskins (@MHoskins2179) January 31, 2021
Life is great for my son on Afrezza for almost 2 years. He's in Aspen skiing. What a life?
— Hillard Saveth (@HillardSaveth) January 1, 2021
An open thank-you letter to Mannkind and the people behind Afrezza - Thank you Mannkind team. Thank you…
— texasreader (@livenlearn2015) May 12, 2021
A four hour hike plus one really delicious donut. Look at that lovely line with #afrezza. #diabetes
— Laura Kronen (@beyouonlybetter) April 23, 2021
Another reason I love #AFREZZA. No digging under clothes in the snow to find bare skin!!!! Brrrrrrr❄️❄️❄️
— cynthia rogers-celt (@CynthiaCelt) January 10, 2021
Had my best triathlon season ever in 2015, qualifying for the USAT nationals. #afrezza played a key part,as I can train like a non-diabetic
— Gustavo Basualdo (@guasaman) January 14, 2021
Being able to go hard in the pool, and then eat all the recovery carbs I need with no crazy planning/bolus/counting is sooo awesome #afrezza
— Gustavo Basualdo (@guasaman) December 15, 2020
Today: 8hs work, 7k steps, 2hour core/ bike/run, ~400gch eaten. Can you tell? #afrezza #diabetes
— Gustavo Basualdo (@guasaman) December 11, 2020
Sugar has not been over 140 for 24 hours on #afrezza Took the opportunity to bench press lifetime best 350lbs today
— Afrezzauser (@afrezzauser) November 15, 2020
9am breakfast.10am 2hr mtb ride. 12pm chocolate milk!. No extra sugar needed during bike ride. #type1wontstopus
— Gustavo Basualdo (@guasaman) September 7, 2021
Training hard and eating all the carbs I need:Awesome.Going for a long walk after that w/the wife w/no lowBGs worries: Priceless. #afrezza
— Gustavo Basualdo (@guasaman) August 25, 2021
I did five hours of yard work in 106 degrees today and did not crash held between 80 and 100. #Toujeo and #Afrezza combo makes life level ?
— AFREZZA GUY (@Afrezzaguy) August 22, 2021
330pm:2apples snack. 5pm:90min hard bike session followed by 100gch recovery. Smooooth BGs #t1d
— Gustavo Basualdo (@guasaman) August 12, 2021
18 mile bike ride this morning.Started w/ a blood glucose of 95 & ended with 92. Thank you #Afrezza for letting me have an intense workout!
— Laura Kronen (@beyouonlybetter) August 9, 2021
great race at Lake Tye Sprint Tri today. 6th overall and 2nd in my age group. And no BG issues. Happy! #diabetesempowered #triathlon #t1d
— Gustavo Basualdo (@guasaman) August 9, 2021
intense 1hr bike trainer session today at 5pm.90gch recovery at 6pm. #diabetes #triathlon
— Gustavo Basualdo (@guasaman) July 29, 2021
with #afrezza i can focus less on #diabetes and more on my tri training,AND perform like a non diabetic
— Gustavo Basualdo (@guasaman) July 20, 2021