This is why @castagna2011 is correct when saying #AFREZZA will be the gold standard in treating #diabetes. Proof is in the numbers. #Diabetics don't lie about these things.
— Luigi Piccioli (@L_Piccioli) January 30, 2021
Seems like the 12u #Afrezza carts are key for my son
Sometimes doesn't even need a follow up
Almost perfect day
Afrezza is FREEDOM!— Steven Rodriguez (@Stepvenator) July 26, 2021
My son uses #Afrezza
Eats what & when he wants
No carb counting
Limited hypos
No needles
A1c 6.0
What a relief!
Check it out— Steven Rodriguez (@Stepvenator) July 19, 2021
Teen son went in for his 3mo pedi endo appt today
After 6 mos on #Afrezza his A1c is 6.0
Best A1c since Diagnosis 3 yrs this month
Freedom!— Steven Rodriguez (@Stepvenator) July 19, 2021
Daughter's a1c 6.1, down from 6.4. Not a major difference, but with way less lows thanks to #afrezza
— Laurie (@lippolu) May 10, 2021
Son's first A1c on #Afrezza today (and we're still just figuring it out)
Last A1c at VDex: 7.0
Today's: 6.2
& he knows he can do even better— Steven Rodriguez (@Stepvenator) April 5, 2021
Shawn =25yrs T1D
His sister =16yrs T1DTheir mother sent this to me.
lifetime best A1c's
Ditched the pumpNo more ups/downs #afrezza
— Eric AFREZZA Fenar (@Peakabull) April 2, 2021
My daughter is now on inhaled insulin #Afrezza which keeps her blood sugar normal. Boy does no one want to increase use, less profits.
— #NotMeUs (@dhartk) March 2, 2021
Daughter used #Afrezza last 4 nights for supper/nighttime snack.The flat lines on her CGM are a thing a beauty!
— Laurie (@lippolu) February 28, 2021
My daughter will try first dose tonight! #Afrezza
— Laurie (@lippolu) February 24, 2021
Son was sick yesterday, insulin resistant. First cold with #Afrezza. What a difference in control from injected insulin & no cough!
— Steven Rodriguez (@Stepvenator) February 23, 2021
My daughter's first shipment of Afrezza is on its way! #Afrezza
— Laurie (@lippolu) February 8, 2021
Not a bad day!
No carb counting, timing, agonizing about spikes or hypos. In range all night
Start the day off right on #Afrezza— Steven Rodriguez (@Stepvenator) February 9, 2021
I would love for my daughter to be on Afrezza! I wish they would test more on pediatric patients so doctors would prescribe.
— Amy Knueppel (@thethomps) February 3, 2021
Our family's experience with #Afrezza
— Steven Rodriguez (@Stepvenator) January 17, 2021
Our family's experience with #Afrezza
— Steven Rodriguez (@Stepvenator) January 17, 2021
Our family's experience with #Afrezza
— Steven Rodriguez (@Stepvenator) January 17, 2021
Our family's experience with #Afrezza
— Steven Rodriguez (@Stepvenator) January 17, 2021
Our family's experience with #Afrezza
— Steven Rodriguez (@Stepvenator) January 17, 2021
Our family's experience with #Afrezza
— Steven Rodriguez (@Stepvenator) January 17, 2021
Our family's experience with #Afrezza
— Steven Rodriguez (@Stepvenator) January 17, 2021
Our family's experience with #Afrezza
— Steven Rodriguez (@Stepvenator) January 17, 2021
Our family's experience with #Afrezza
— Steven Rodriguez (@Stepvenator) January 17, 2021
B4 dinner son's at 173
Takes 4u cartridge #Afrezza
40 min later at 89
(Dinner rise on Humalog follows drop)— Steven Rodriguez (@Stepvenator) January 27, 2021
At 5:24 pm tonight on CBS Dr Gomez is doing a story on Injectable Insulin vs Afrezza and is interviewing my son Brad
— Hillard Saveth (@HillardSaveth) January 10, 2021
@SpiroHere Hi, my daughter lives in Miami and is on Afrezza and pharmacy out until Monday, could you loan her some until then? Concerned Mom
— #NotMeUs (@dhartk) January 7, 2021
Life is great for my son on Afrezza for almost 2 years. He's in Aspen skiing. What a life?
— Hillard Saveth (@HillardSaveth) January 1, 2021
#Afrezza has changed our son's life, it's amazing #type1 #diabetes
— Vicki L. Thiessen (@SonomaSold) October 2, 2020
Another strong 24 hrs. Feel I'm getting more & more dialed in every day. Thanks to #Afrezza! #Mannkind
— califexas (@califexas) October 4, 2020
Just got my first box of #Afrezza. Only been a day and already noticed a difference! @RobRealEstate #Mannkind
— califexas (@califexas) September 14, 2020
Kids on Afrezza. @TomCramer4
— LeAnne Rooks (@RooksLeAnne) August 3, 2021
Kids doing great. As a dad I keep spares in cars no refrigeration needed
— Tom Cramer (@TomCramer4) June 18, 2021
@Peakabull My daughter is 13 and I'm keeping my eyes on Afrezza for future use. For now you guys are my Guinea pigs! Ha!
— Laurie (@lippolu) April 15, 2021
Does Your Child Dislike Shots? Looking Into Afrezza for Children via @sharethis
— Dr. Eric Weinstein (@Browardfootcare) October 6, 2020
So my older son Brad with T1 just got his A1C number back today. He has been on AFREZZA for 3 months. Went from 8.1 to 6.8 eating the same.
— Hillard Saveth (@HillardSaveth) July 16, 2021