Blogs Afrezza: cure for hyperinsulinemia? 2020-11-15 This was my breakfast today. It was actually eaten in stages cause I’ve been running around all morning. Fasting glucose was 104 (I ate carby stuffy last night with no insulin??♀️) I had my Afrezza first. Waited 5 minutes and had the bar. 30 minuted later I had the blueberries. And then 30 minutes later I had the apple. And then an hour after that I had the persimmon. All of that with no issues. Feels so good to be able to eat fruit again. I missed it so much. This pre-insulin is doing a reverse phycology on my body. I have high insulin production when I eat. But by pre-treating with insulin before I eat, it greatly reduces the amount that my tumor produces. So it’s working a crazy way. This is all experimentation. It’s not actual medical board approved therapy. This is a trial run for a month. And it’s working. Normally, this stuff would make me pass out with fatigue for hours. It would give me heart palpitations and it would make me super irritable and I wouldn’t be able to keep my eyes open. A post shared by Michelle Lathrom (@transformeeshtion) on Nov 8, 2020 at 1:29pm PST Haven’t had waba grill in 15 months. Salmon plate. Brown rice. Salad with vinegarette dressing. And a couple of pieces of fruit. Took my #afrezza. And will see how it works with this. This was always a meal that killed me. Laid waste to me. For days. A post shared by Michelle Lathrom (@transformeeshtion) on Nov 1, 2020 at 2:06pm PDT Haven’t had cereal in over year because of this #hyperinsulinism. . This morning I got to have some of my favorite. Took my #Afrezza 5 minutes before eating. 4 units. Now I will be checking sugar levels more often until I learn the balance. To make sure I don’t accidentally make myself go hypoglycemic. A post shared by Michelle Lathrom (@transformeeshtion) on Nov 1, 2020 at 10:01am PDT 5 hr OGTT. 100g of glucose. 4 units of Afrezza. Compare the results the last year. It speaks for itself. A post shared by Michelle Lathrom (@transformeeshtion) on Oct 31, 2020 at 11:19pm PDT 5 hour oral glucose tolerance test done last year in 2016. Before being officially diagnosed with an insulinoma. Glucose is normal for 100 gram glucose load. Insulin should have stayed under 112. Instead it went to 522. In the hospital a couple of months later it went as high as 780. The next picture I will put up is from a 5 hr OGTT one year later. Same glucose load. Only this time using Afrezza before drinking the glucose drink. Big difference. A post shared by Michelle Lathrom (@transformeeshtion) on Oct 31, 2020 at 11:18pm PDT Got my self a new journal today. With the perfect title to explain what I’ll be doing this next month. ?? No, I’m not going on an all cake diet. Though I may have a few pieces here and there as part of an experiment. A doctor-supported experiment. Honest. I’m not diabetic. Or even prediabetic. I actually have an acute case of hyperinsulinemia. So the exact opposite. The tumor responsible for this hasn’t been located. Yet. So in the meantime, my doctor and I have come up with a therapy. Pre-insulin. A dose of oral insulin (called Afrezza) 5 minutes before any meal or snack. We did a mini trial during a glucose tolerance test and it worked. My insulin overproduction was greatly reduced. So now instead of a glucose drink, we want to try it with real food. For a whole month. With everything documented. This is my kind of science experiment. Which could lead to a possible breakthrough. A post shared by Michelle Lathrom (@transformeeshtion) on Oct 31, 2020 at 11:10pm PDT Please follow and like us: